With energy and a lot of will we start this 2020 that looks interesting.
And to begin with, nothing better than opening the annual cycle of guided tours organized by the Almeria City Council, siendo la primera de todas la “Muslim Almeria“. Era la primera vez que la hacía y la verdad es que disfruté enormemente; por el tema en sí, porque transcurría enteramente por mi barrio y por la respuesta de l@s asistentes: foráneos y almerienses (expatriados y residentes). Nombres propios los justos y fechas aún menos, ya que todo el protagonismo fue, cómo no podía ser de otro modo, para la ciudad y las huellas que conserva de aquellos tiempos remotos. Un story of Saturday morning that made us sit in luxury.
Una semana después de nuevo me tocó jugar en casa ya que recorrimos el “Casco Histórico” in which it has probably been the most varied itinerary interpreted, in terms of subject matter, of how many I have done. Among illustrious Almerians, Indalic myths and historical reviews we spent a wonderful January morning that led us to the Nicolás Salmerón ParkThe city is located next to the harbour and in view of the English Cable. Again on Mediterraneanor rather one of its most precious treasures, served as the final stage.

It is important to note that these guided tours are with limited places, because the aim is to seek interaction with the attendees generating the least impact on the landscape and acoustics. Sustainable tourism Yes!
And otherwise you'll have noticed some small change, like the logo from Almeria Tourist GuideThe creation of NetfreelanceThe company is dedicated to web implementation and graphic design in Almeria. Light & Mediterranean are the sources of inspiration for the logowith the sailing boat that reminds us of the origin of the city, in a voyage that will still know many notes in the blog.

A sailing ship that is gradually getting lighter and lighter, and that is able to ride the waves while the cargo remains firmly in the hold: barrels of commitment and illusion with the Culture and Cinema Heritage Almeria. Travellers on board... new guided tours await us in this 2020!!