Free tours are such a popular model that many people think they are the only way to visit a destination. One of the identifying elements of these guided tours are the coloured umbrellas that the guides usually carry and on which Free Tour is often written. This is the reason why we [...]
5 cosas que debes hacer para proteger el Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata
Se acerca el buen tiempo y el Parque Natural Cabo de Gata, es uno de los lugares favoritos para muchas de las personas que eligen Almería como destino. Pero no podemos olvidar que es un lugar protegido que debemos conservar y mimar. Así que aquí te dejo 5 cosas que debes hacer para protegerlo: 1. […]
Visit to Calar Alto (Almería)
One of the features that define the brand Almeria Tourist Guide is its commitment to the heritage and culture of Almeria. Therefore, a guided visit to Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory could not be one more experience, since this centre, a reference of the astrophysics all over the world and the biggest in Europe, [...]
A day trip to Terque (Almeria)
In these times, when the depopulation of large areas of the interior is the norm, the fact that a town of just over 300 inhabitants and far from the coast, such as Terque, can become a tourist attraction within a province is good news. And if in addition the base of [...]
Starting the 2020 guided tours
Con energía y muchas ganas arrancamos éste 2020 que se presenta interesante. Y para comenzar nada mejor que inaugurar el ciclo anual de visitas guiadas organizadas por el Ayuntamiento de Almería, siendo la primera de todas la “Almería musulmana“. Era la primera vez que la hacía y la verdad es que disfruté enormemente; por el […]
Guided tours in Almeria in 2020
Are you thinking of visiting Almeria, or are you already here, and want to hire a guided tour to see the city, which is ultimately the most classic and effective experience to soak up a site. If that is the case and you want to have the essential information in a single document, this is your post. You [...]
10 top films shot in Almeria (II)
After the first installment (don't miss it and then come back here!!) there are plenty of presentations, so let's just go with the expected top 5 of Almeria's cinematic glories (at the end you have a map with the locations): 5. Indiana Jones and the last Crusade (1989) For the third part of the saga of the [...]
Almeria and its 10 essential restaurants
At this point it is more than likely that your Almeria vacation is very close to definitely assaulting the No. 1 in your summer ranking of all time, but how do you deal with the issue of food? It is a fundamental point, since what you eat and where you eat it is the third vertex, next to the accommodation [...]
Los Millares archaeological site; roots of Almeria
It was not by chance that Almería was chosen as the venue for the First National Archaeological Congress in 1949. Our land was a pioneer in the study of past societies, especially prehistoric ones, because some of the most important remote cultures of the European continent existed here, standing out above [...]